10 Home Security Camera Installation Mistakes

a house with a Star Wars Character in the window.

Installing security cameras in your home is a smart decision to protect your property and loved ones, but it’s crucial to do it right. While home security camera installation can seem daunting at first, with the right information and tools, it can be a straightforward process, ensuring that your home is well-protected and secure.

In this blog post, we will highlight 10 common mistakes in the installation process and how to avoid them. By being aware of these pitfalls and taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure a successful and effective security camera installation that enhances safety and peace of mind.

Set Up a Home Security Camera System

There is a huge range of security systems in the market and one of them is the indoor and outdoor cameras. Each type of camera has its own great features and drawbacks, so it is important to do research on each before proceeding with a home CCTV installation.

Wired Camera

Wired cameras are more difficult to install, but once installed they are more reliable and provide superior image quality.

Wireless Camera

Wireless cameras, on the other hand, are easier to install and are more flexible in terms of placement, but their image quality can be affected by interference from other devices.

IP Network Camera

IP network cameras can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, providing the convenience of remote access and allowing users to connect and view the camera feeds.

Thermal Imaging Camera

Thermal imaging cameras are highly effective tools that utilize advanced technology to detect, capture heat signatures, and identify potentially suspicious activity.

Benefits of Installing Home Security Cameras

As technology advances, home security cameras have become increasingly popular among homeowners seeking to protect their families and assets. The benefits of installing home security cameras are numerous and can contribute significantly to your peace of mind.

  • Deter criminals from attempting to break into your home
  • Families and properties are less likely to fall victim to theft, vandalism, & criminal activity
  • Provides valuable evidence to law enforcement if a crime does occur
  • Used to identify offenders and increases the chances of a successful prosecution
  • Recovers stolen items or can help track down any accomplices

10 Common Mistakes During Home Security Camera Installation

In order to ensure optimal performance and effectiveness of your home security camera system in protecting your property, it is essential to proactively identify and avoid these potential obstacles.

1. Poor Camera Placement

Incorrect camera positioning can create pesky blind spots or ineffective coverage, compromising the overall security of the entire area.

2. Lack of Proper Research

Not doing enough research can result in choosing cameras or systems that don’t meet your security needs properly.

3. Neglecting Lighting Conditions

Ignoring proper lighting can lead to poor image quality or difficulty in capturing clear footage during low-light situations.

4. Incorrect Camera Settings

Wrong camera configurations and improper settings may render the cameras ineffective or result in false alarm notifications.

5. Inadequate Storage Capacity

When your storage capacity is inadequate, it can limit the amount of recorded footage and hinder the ability to review past events.

6. Weak or Unprotected Passwords

Inadequate or easily guessable passwords can expose the camera system to unauthorized entry and has a high potential for security breaches.

7. Lack of Regular Maintenance

Failure to consistently perform routine maintenance can lead to a gradual decline in the performance of the cameras, which in turn affects their reliability and dependability.

8. Failure to Secure Camera Wiring

If camera wiring is not properly secured, it can create opportunities for intruders to tamper with or sabotage the system, jeopardizing its integrity and effectiveness.

9. Ignoring Privacy Concerns

Privacy concerns, if not addressed and acknowledged, can result in a violation of individuals’ rights and an invasion of their personal privacy.

10. Not Seeking Professional Service

Neglecting to seek the expertise of professionals when required may result in insufficient installation, configuration, or problem-solving, thereby impeding the overall efficiency of the security camera system.

How to Avoid These Mistakes

By addressing and avoiding the mistakes that are commonly overlooked during a home security camera installation, you can rest assured knowing that your surveillance system is operating at its best.

1. Ensure Strategic Camera Placements

Avoid placing CCTV cameras in areas where they have limited coverage or are easily accessible to intruders. Instead, opt for hidden locations to cover vulnerable entry points and high-traffic areas.

2. Conduct Thorough Research

Take the time to fully comprehend your security requirements and refrain from purchasing security cameras without researching their features, specifications, and compatibility with your existing system. 

3. Choose Cameras with Lighting Options

Choose quality cameras that are suitable for both day time and night time surveillance, and consider additional lighting options like day and night vision mode if needed.

4. Properly Set the Camera

Take the time to properly configure camera settings such as motion detection recording, schedules, and notification alerts. Incorrect settings may lead to false alarms or missed events.

5. Always Check Storage and Capacity

Inadequate storage capacity may lead to the loss or overwriting of crucial recordings. Ensure that your recording device or cloud storage can handle the amount of footage your cameras will generate. 

6. Avoid Using Predictable Passwords

Use strong, unique passwords for your CCTV system to prevent unauthorized access as default or easily guessable passwords can compromise your system’s security.

7. Conduct Regular Maintenance

Regularly inspect and clean your security cameras to ensure optimal performance. Check for obstructions, loose cables, or signs of tampering that may affect their functionality.

8. Secure Camera Wirings

Exposed wires of your CCTV camera can be easily disabled to its power source. Keep camera cables hidden or secured to prevent tampering or cutting.

9. Don’t be Obvious

Be mindful of the privacy of individuals within the camera’s view. Avoid pointing cameras towards areas where privacy is expected, such as bedrooms or bathrooms.

10. Seek Professional Help

Improper installation can lead to malfunctions or ineffective video surveillance systems. If you’re unsure about the installation process or technical aspects, it’s best to seek professional assistance. 


Deciding whether to have a professional installation or a DIY installation is totally up to you. While some homeowners may be tempted to install security cameras themselves, we recommend investing in professional installation.

Although there may be some differences in installation costs, the investment is well worth it when it comes to the safety and security of your home and family.

Looking for smart security solutions that can keep an eye on things? Asset Resources Group has dedicated security specialists for proper home security camera installation. Contact us now!

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